Changes Coming to the National Dysphagia Diet!

If you haven’t heard the great news, here it is! The Dysphagia Diet is about to change! Why is that great news? The changes are an effort to make sure modified consistency diets and thickened liquids are the same across the world. For this reason, the International Dysphagia Diet Standardisation Initiative (IDDSI) was formed in 2013.

Why are these changes needed?

Across countries, and even from hospital to hospital, diet textures and liquids often have different names. This leads to confusion for people with dysphagia and caregivers alike. Beyond simple confusion, this causes accidental choking, aspiration, and possible death. The IDDSI’s goal is to reduce choking and aspiration by using the same words across the planet. To do this, they have created the International Dysphagia Diet Framework.

When does this take effect?

The time frame for starting will vary from provider to provider. For now, it’s important for you to be aware of the new language. That way, when you start to see it, you know what it means and can provide the correct foods and beverages.

What does this change mean for me?

The IDDSI has created some graphics to show how current diet and liquid orders fit into the new standards.  As you can see, there is an additional level in both the food and liquid graphic. Within each level, there are simple tests you can use to make sure you have the right texture.  To learn more about these tests go to

What should I do?

Be familiar with the new terms. 

Check with the ordering physician or speech pathologist to see what level is of the person you are supporting. Make sure everyone you work with understands and follows the guidelines. 

Laura Yautz, RDN

Laura is a registered dietitian and health coach with over 12 years in practice. Even though she loves to cook, she's no stranger to the challenges of creating healthy, tasty meals day after day, without spending hours in the kitchen or being a short order cook. Through her business, Being Nutritious, Laura helps women who have 25 or more pounds to lose discover their inner confidence and freedom by addressing all aspects of weight loss; not just the food.